CVYC Annual Cruise Planning Event
Visitors - Come and see what the Comox Valley Yacht Club is all about!
Everyone - Get ready for a busy boating season by attending this preparation event.
There will be a presentation on the Club's Cruises including information on how to navigate rapids and currents, favourite anchoring spots and the marinas and facilities that will be visited in this year's Cruises.
We will also have a presentation on the tips and tricks to prepare your boat for the summer.
It will be night to meet up with those going on the cruises and to start fine tuning your summer adventure plans. The event is part of the Club membership drive and we encourage Members to invite a boating friend.
Comox Legion Hall
Wednesday April 16th
Register by Sunday April 13th
6:30 Doors open, No-Host bar
9:00 Event concludes
Salty Snacks
Free for Members, Guests and Visitors
If you have any questions contact:
Scott Wroe, Staff Captain Fleet
If you are interested in assisting on any other of the upcoming events please contact me at the email above.
REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT (required for ALL events)
Register Yourself
Be sure to click Confirm at the end of the workflow to finalize the process
Register Your Partner
Click Return to Event on the bottom right of the page
Click the Register button, then click New Registration
Enter your partner’s email address
Click Confirm at the end
Register a Guest
Add guests when you first register yourself.
Cancellation of Registration
the blue jeans yacht club
mailing addressPO Box 1541 Comox, BC V9M 8A2
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